Prof.(Dr.) J
Date of Joining:
Total experience:
Teaching :
Research :
Industry :
Paper published:
National :
International :
Paper Presented:
National :
International :
PhD Guide:
Field :
RF and Wireless Communication
University :
PhDs/Project Guided:
PhDs :
Projects Of Master Level :
Books published/ IPRs/ Patents:
Book Written:
Books: 10
1.Multi-Element Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual-Band Operation published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-92031-8, July-2016, Written by Tejash Chavda, J M Rathod, Price: 49.90 €, Link:
2.Roof-mounted UHF antenna Auto motives Published published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-91059-3, July-2016, Written by Jay Patel, Niraj Tevar, Dr J M Rathod, Price: ? 3,312.57, Link:
3.Face Recognition Invariant to Illumination using Hybrid Techniques published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN-13:978-3-659-58211-0, ISBN-10: 3659582115, EAN: 9783659582110, February 16, 2017-Written by U. K. Jaliya, Dr J M Rathod. Price: $59.00, Link:
4.Adaptive MIMO-OFDM System for Spectral Efficiency of Wireless System published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-71943-1, September-2018, Written by Rajvir Rana, Dr J M Rathod. Price: $48.00, Link:
5.Transmission Control Protocol over Satellite Links and Ad-Hoc Networks-An Analysis published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN: 978-613-9-94900-7, November-2018, Written by Kaushika Patel, Dr.J.M.Rathod, , Price: 54.90 €, Link:
6.Design of Microstrip Couplers using Novel Artificial Dielectrics published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN: 978-613-9-97705-5, December-2018, Written Dr P.S.Bhakhar, Dr.J.M.Rathod, Dr.Vedvyas Dwivedi, Price: $81.00., Link:
7.Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor N/w: Case Study published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-64076-6, Feb-2020, Written by Dr Jignesh Joshi and Dr J M Rathod, Price 76.90 € , Link:
8.Automation in Construction Industry (Volume-1) written by Dr. J. R. Pitroda & Prof. (Dr.) J. M. Rathod Published by INSC International Publisher (IIP), 11-Aug-2021, ISBN : 1956102361, 9781956102369
9.Automation in Construction Industry (Volume-2) written by Dr. J. R. Pitroda & Prof. (Dr.) J. M. Rathod Published by Sarth Publication-Sardar Gunj Anand – 388001, ISBN : 978-93-89779-53-0
Patents: 16
1.Parth Kachhadiya, Dr J M Rathod Flying Military Tank. Temp/E-1/7167/2019-Mum 20-02-2019(Provisional Patent Filed)
2.Parth Makwanana,Prof M P Prajapati, Dr J M Rathod Development Of A Portable Device For Gesture-Based Communication For Mute People Temp/E-1/30230/2019-Mum 16-07-2019(Provisional Patent Filed)
3.Tushar Dave, Dr J M Rathod, Sreelatha Kashyap Microstrip Couplers Using Artificial Dielectric Substrate 201921031330 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 45/2019 Dated 08/11/2019 52437 08/11/2019(Published in Indian Patent Journal)
4.Shahid Modasiya, Dr J M Rathod, S.Sreenath Kashyap One And Two Shorted Outer Ring And Slot Loaded Log Periodic Microwave antenna For Navigational Applications 201921053943 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 03/2020 Dated 17/01/2020, Page No: 3010 17-01-2020 (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
5.Jay Patel, Dr J M Rathod, Niraj Tevar, S.Sreenath Kashyap Low-Cost Design Of Uhf Antenna For Roof Mounted Vehicular & Heavy Duty Application 202021007751 A,
The Patent Office Journal No. 12/2020 14753 20-03-2020 (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
6.Bharat Suthar, Jay Soni, Dr J M Rathod, Dr M M Solanki Indoor Object Location Finding Module, Patent no: 202021029609,Foling date: 13-07-2020(Published in Indian Patent
7.Mr. Kenil Naik ,Mr. Dhaval V Kambaliya ,Mr. Rahul Hadiya, Dr.Jagdish M Rathod , Dr. Mehfuza S. Holia The Low Cost Novel Corona Virus Detection And Screening Machine 202121004963 A,The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2021, Page No: 8707 19/02/2021, (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
8.Dhanesh Hareshbhai Poriya, Jayeshkumar Ramchandrabhai Pitroda , Jagdish M Rathod Developing Web-App System for Effective Documentation in Project Management 202121002716 A The Patent Office Journal No. 09/2021,Page No:79 26/02/2021, (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
9.Jayeshkumar Ramchandrabhai Pitroda, Jagdish M Rathod ,Keyur N. Brahmbhatt Influence of RFID Technology on Automated Management Of Construction Materials 202121000726 AThe Patent Office Journal No. 09/2021,Page No:77 26/02/2021 (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
10.Prashant Dilipbhai Sachaniya Jagdishkumar M. Rathod Novel Design of Corrugated Horn Antenna for Satellite Applications 202121004770 A
The Patent Office Journal No. 07/2021, Page No: 6714 12/02/2021, (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
11.Dhaval V Kambaliya, Dr. Jagdish M Rathod, Mansi S Patel, Stutee P Dave Digital Electroencephalogram Diagnostic System for Epileptic Seizures Application No.202121009883 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 11/2021 Dated 12/03/2021, Page No: 12806 12/03/2021,(Published in Indian Patent Journal)
12. Prashant Dilipbhai Sachaniya Jagdishkumar M. Rathod Novel Design Of Corrugated Horn Antenna For Satellite Applications 202121004770 A
The Patent Office,The Patent Office Journal No. 07/2021 Dated 12/02/2021, Page No: 6714, 12/02/2021 (Published in Indian Patent Journal)
13. Novel Microstrip Antenna Using Metamaterial Absorber Krushi P Modi, Jagadish M Rathod, Parth Kachhadiya, Parul H Panchal, Kush Parikh 202121007317 A, The Patent Office, The Patent Office Journal No. 18/2021 Dated 30/04/2021, Page No: 21421, 30/04/2021
14. A Novel Automated Security Model For Covid-19 by Dr.Jagdishkumar M Rathod, Dr.Nirbhay Chaubey, Keyur D. Bhatt , Dr. Binod Kumar , Dr.Laya S , Dr.Renuka Sharma ,Dr.Devendra Kumar , Dr.G.Arockia Sahaya Sheela , Dr.Shakeel Ahmed , Ram Krishn Mishra , Tarun Kumar Sharma,202131024688 A,The Patent Office Journal No. 28/2021 Dated 09/07/2021, Page No: 30854,, 09/07/2021
15. IOT Based Solar Assisted Inexpensive Ceramic Based Water Purification For Natural Rain Water Harvesting by Dr.Vishal Gangadhar Naranje, Debabrata Bej, Dr.Shirin Alavi , Dr.Sharief Ud Din Khan , Prof.Anurag Rana , Harish Sharma , Dr.Laya S, Dr.Jagdishkumar M Rathod, Dr.Vijay Pralhadrao Kadam , Mahaveer Chandranath Dhabe , Dr.Sanjay Ramkrishna Bhoyar,202131025800 A, The Patent Office Journal No. 28/2021 Dated 09/07/2021,,Page No: 30861,, 09/07/2021
Inventor(s) Devaneyan, S Pradeep ; Virmani, Tarun ; Naresh Babu, M. ; Pushpanathan, D. Peter ; Gangadhar Naranje, Vishal ; M Rathod, Jagdishkumar ; S, Laya ; Sharma, Renuka ; Pralhadrao Kadam, Vijay ; Jogpal, Vikas ; Kumar, Ashwani ; Chandra Panda, Ramesh, Filing date 2021-06-03
Professional Membership:
1.A lifetime member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi: LM 26246.
2.Fellow Member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), New Delhi: F-159715 (Sep 8, 2014-15, May 17, 2019, Jan 12,2020)
3.Fellow Member of the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata: F-1231555
4.Lifetime member IACSIT (International Association of Computer science and Information technology), Singapore: 80331401
5.A lifetime member of the BES (Broadcast Engineering Society), New Delhi-India: LM 2563
6.Lifetime member The International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong: LM 105899
7.Senior Member of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS): 93156457
8.Member of Research Foundation of India (Registration number 18/30/05/C/821210 Act MP Govt 1958) is registered organization & JHERF under the Govt of India Society Act 1973 Registration Number 04/14/07/18221/16 by the recommendation of all Members of Higher Education & Research Foundation., India
9.Life Membership by International Institute of organized Research (I2OR) which is a registered MSME with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India and is advocating Academic and Research Programs for API and Career Advancement Scheme. You have also been given the Professional Life Membership of I2OR (Membership ID: I2OR/2020/A-0233), India.
10.InSc professional membership from Institute of Scolars.InSc20203040.
11.Life Time Member of INSPIRA Research Association (Ira), Reg. No. Coop/2020/Jaipur/201363, j a i p u r -i n d i a, 451432018.pdf (
Consultancy Activities:
1. We Electronics Department have established RF and Microwave testing lab name as ELARC under TEQIP-II & CVM Support. Under this, we have Vector Network Analyzer (5 kHz-15 GHz), Scalar Network analyzer (3 KHz to 3 GHz). Spectrum analyzer (Working up to 3 GHz and Signal source generator for it. We are giving Testing and measurement facilities under RF and Microwave field. We have already given our service regarding testing to a different academic organization like GCET, ADIT, Charusat, SVIT, GEC Bhavnagar, SS College-Bhavnagar, G P Palanpur and more institute to come. Tested different device like Filters, Flexible Antenna, Synthetic aperture RADAR Antenna, RFID Antenna and so on. We are also offering this service to Industries like e-infochip and SLS.Till now Generated 175,000/-Rs.
2.Dr.J.M.Rathod & Dr.TA.Desai have successfully coordinated Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Organized by BJVM in collaboration with BVM Engineering College. Our resource persons were Dr.Namita Sathe and Dr.Mehul Shah, BVM. We have handover the fees received from BJVM Collage of Rs.13000/ on 06-12-2018 as a part of R&D fund.
Award/Appreciation: - 20
1. 2nd Best Paper (Runners up) awarded in National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology-2011
2. Awarded by BVM Engineering College in ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD for the Recognition of Valuable Contribution & Performance in Academic Activities during the academic year 2011-12.
3. Awarded by BVM Engineering College in ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD for Recognition of valuable contribution & performance in Academic activities (Category: Overall) during the academic year 2015-16 on 15-03-2019.
4. Received “SHIKSHA BHARATI AWARD” on 19th November-2020; It’s an honor for Achievement and Contribution in Nation Building by Indian Achievers' Forum & Achievers'
5. Received “HONOR OF EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH”; 5 Stars for Edge India Times Award for Excellence in Research. Edge India Times Award were organized by Edge India Publications Private Limited on 15th November, 2020.
6. I2OR NATIONAL EMINENT RESEARCHER AWARD 2020 instituted by the International Institute of organized Research (I2OR) which is a registered MSME with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India and is advocating Academic and Research Programs for API and Career Advancement Scheme on 20th November 2020.
7. Institute of Scholars (InSc) RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD by the Institute of Scholars on 10th December 2020.
8. "INSPIRA-IRA ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD - 2020" by INSPIRA Research Association, Jaipur-Rajasthan on 25-02-2021
9. Recipient of “GAURAV PURASKAR “in individual faculty's Excellence category for National Recognition. Honored by Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM), V V Nagar Gujarat on the occasion of 76th foundation day of CVM (3rd March 2021).
10. Recipient of “EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH “ from International Research Awards on Science, Health and Engineering for the Contribution and Honorable Achievement in Innovative Research Science Father is a trademark of Scifax company (Reg. No. 130116), Approved and Registered by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt. of India on 08-09-2021.
11. Awarded by BVM Engineering College in with Academic excellence Best Administrator for the Recognition of Valuable Contribution & Performance in Academic Activities for the year 2018-19.
12. Awarded by BVM Engineering College in with IPR Innovation and Recognition for the Recognition of Valuable Contribution & Performance in Academic Activities during year 2020-21.
13. Awarded due to Excellent Work as mentoring as Faculty advisor of IEEE SB as distinguished and selfless contributions for three years 2018-2021.
14. Awarded as 2nd Runner up of my cabin clean cabin completion organized by NSS BVM on 25th January 2022.
15. Research Award received by APEEJAY School of Management, Dwarka, Delhi at World Innovation Patent Conclave on 21st August 2022.
16. Awarded as Tech-Guru 2022 (Best Teacher) by Gujarat Technical University-Ahmedabad on teachers Day 05-09-2022.
17. Recipient of “GAURAV PURASKAR “in individual faculty's Excellence category for National Recognition. Honored by Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM), V V Nagar Gujarat on the occasion of foundation day of CVM (3rd March 2023).
18. IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter announced 2nd Annual Award 2022 in the field of "Innovation of Antenna Technology” on 13-12-2023.
19. Awarded by BVM Engineering College in RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD for Recognition of valuable contribution & performance in Academic activities during the academic year 2023-24 on 05-04-2024.
20. Bhim Gaurav Puraskar by Astha Parivar of Vallabh Vidyanagar on 14-04-2024.
Grant fetched:
Grant Received: -8 1. I am a member of the team who has got a grant of Rs -10, 00,000/- Under MODROB Scheme, 2003 was received for updating Analog & Digital Communication Labs, Antenna & Microwave Labs, and it is developed. 2. Minor Research Project on “Design and Analysis of Wireless Communication system for improvement in system parameters using Adaptive MIMO-OFDM” submitted to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat and got 4,85,000/- grant on 31st Match 2017. 3. International Conference (ICRISET-2017), February 19-21, 2017 organized and establishing four funds in a Bank account, namely the Corpus Fund, Faculty Development Fund, Equipment Replacement Fund and Maintenance Fund. Each of these funds is to be augmented with an annual contribution of at least 0.5% of the annual recurring expenditure of the institution. It is about Rs 10,30,771/- 4. Organized five STTP/FDP and Two national Workshop and establishing four funds in a Bank account, namely the Corpus Fund, Faculty Development Fund, Equipment Replacement Fund and Maintenance Fund. Each of these funds is to be augmented with an annual contribution of at least 0.5% of the annual recurring expenditure of the institution. It is about Rs 2,00,000/- 5. TEQIP-III—working as a core member who has submitted an Action Plan for the academic and administrative activities and got 7.00, 000, 00/- grant in November-2017. 6. SC/ST hostel proposal has been written and submitted to AICTE on 17/10/2017 of worth 200, 00,000 /- Rs and sanctioned by AICTE. 7. AICTE based MODROBS - Modernization & Removal of Obsolescence proposal submitted on 30th November-2017 for Advanced Communication Lab 13,35,000/- and Sanctioned by AICTE worth Rs 6 80 000/- 8. Sanctioned the Project grant of Rs 66000/- for support under SSIP funding for my students Mr Bharat Suthar and Mr Jay Soni for the project name as Indoor Positioning System using UWB as mentor on 07-02-2020.
Additional Information:
1.QIP/ISTE/AICTE/ISTE Course Attended:-26 ,2.FDP.STTP Organized:-12, 3.Number of Seminar/Conference Attended so far:-31,4. Conference Organized:-05, 5.Number of events organized for Gujarat Government:03,6. Number of Work Shop Attended so far:- 40,7.Technical paper Presented in conference /Journals so far: - 108,8. Expert Talk Delivered: - 26, 9.Editor:- • Chief-Editor for International Journal of Recent Trends Electronics and Communication (IJRTEC) • Editor for Kalpa Publications (Kalpa Publications is a new series published by Easy Chair, 10.Reviewer:- in various Journals and conference: 23,11.Established the Center of Excellence in Electromagnetics and Antenna (ELARC) at Electronics Dept, BVM Engineering College.This ELARC is blessed by Er. Bhikhubhai Patel, Chairman-CVM,Er.Praysvin Patel-CMD, Elecon Pvt Ltd, Dr. Shiv Mohan, Former Director, ISRO, Er. B D Mehta, Director, Sales-Entuple Pvt Ltd on 03-10-2019.This lab is funded by TEQIP-II & TEQIP-III funded. 11. Associate Dean of Administration 12. Twinning Coordinator for World bank assisted TEQIP-III projects of MHRD, 13. BoS Member of EC branch in Marwadi University, 14. Member of DAC & BoS, Electronics Branch, BVM, 15. Coordinator of NAAC Cr. VI - Governance, Leadership and Management