The Institution of Engineers (India)
8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020, India
IEI STUDENT CHAPTERS (Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Production)
BVM is housing the Local center of IEI in the first floor of its administrative building.
The aims and objectives of IEI are to promote the general advancement of Engineering and
Engineering Science and their applications. To facilitate the exchange of information and
ideas on those subjects, amongst the members and the persons attached to the Institution.
To this effect various department are associated with Student Chapter of IE in respective fields. Any BVM college engineering
student can become member of student chapter by registering his/her name with the Advisor of the Student chapter is their respective disciple and can participate in various activities organized by them.
- The service rendered by student chapter of IEI is primarily through a variety of technical activities and functions. In short, they are:
- Dissemination and updating of engineering & technological knowledge and diffusion among its members information on all matters related to engineering through learned Society functions comprising seminars, symposia, continuing education courses, workshops, conventions, conferences etc at both national and international levels;
- Providing access to R&D, activities and engineering practices through engineering & technological discipline;
- Focusing on new developments, techniques, products, processes and other issues of topical interest as well as having a full calendar of technical activities at national and international levels through the medium of IEI News.
- Extending engineering information and library services at its Headquarters and at the State and Local Centers;
- Highlighting the challenges faced by the engineering and technological community, stimulating a sense of professional responsibility and motivating them for additional effort to ensure India's rightful place in the comity of industrial nations;
- Inculcating and promoting amongst engineers and technologists a growing commitment to the social objectives of the profession;
- Fostering national and international cooperation in engineering and technology;
- Recording appreciation of an extending recognition to individual achievements and activities in advancing the art and science of engineering and technology
IE(I) Mech. Students Chapter Report
1. AY: 2015-16
2. AY: 2016-17
3. AY: 2017-18
4. AY: 2018-19
5. AY: 2019-20
6. AY: 2020-21
7. AY: 2021-22
IE(I) Civil Students Chapter Report
1. AY: 2017-18
2. AY: 2018-19
3. AY: 2019-20
4. AY: 2020-21
5. Report of Webinars During COVID-19 Lockdown
6. Report on National Symposium on CIW2025
IE(I) Electrical Students Chapter Report
1. AY: 2016-17
2. AY: 2017-18
3. AY: 2018-19
4. AY: 2019-20
5. AY: 2020-21
IE(I) Electronics Students Chapter Report
1. AY: 2018-22