The objectives of the Electrical Engineering department at BVM Engineering College are to produce graduates with several defining abilities:
To pursue scientific and technical careers beginning with entry-level electrical engineering positions in industry or government, in India or abroad.
To impart concept, information, knowledge, training and problem solving skills with regard to electrical engineering and multi disciplinary products & projects.
To augment comprehension, analytical, creative, technical and soft skills to pursue continuing education through graduate studies in electrical or other engineering fields, as well as, management, entrepreneurship, laws etc.
To foster amongst the students, professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills and instill a sense of responsibility toward the society.
To provide student with an academic environment to stimulate desire & joy for learning, Endeavour for excellence & leadership and perception of life-long learning required for a successful professional career.
Graduate of the Electrical Engineering Program will demonstrate:
PSO1: Knowledge and hands-on competence in the application of circuit analysis and design, building, operation, and testing of electrical and electronics systems.
PSO2: In-depth understanding in the domain of electromagnetic fields, signals and systems, electrical machines, electrical & electronic measurements,analog & digital electronics, and power electronics & drives. That graduates will be able to analyze, design and implement industrial automation and control systems, microcontroller based applications, with the use of hardware and software.
PSO3: Thorough exploration of state-of-the-arttechnologies in power systems monitoring, protection, operation and control,renewable energy engineering, utilization of energy and energy management systems to address the current and future energy issues.